Hey everyone! Depending on when you read this, you may have noticed that things are looking a bit different around here. After eight years of IC2S being hosted on Blogger, the frustrations of their platform became too much for me to bear anymore. Their new interface was finally the straw that broke the camel’s back, being less functional, more difficult and just plain broken in spots. As a result, I decided it was high time to move to WordPress. I was aiming to get the site all set up and ready to go before I went live, but I hit a snag migrating to WordPress.org and most of my prep work was lost as the site went live… oops!
What this means is that if you see anything broken on IC2S, especially if you’re reading this within a week of its original posting, then it’s probably something I’m working away on in the free time that I have. I’m also working through some of my old posts (especially important ones like Love/Hate and Retrospectives posts) to optimize them for WordPress, but I can’t guarantee that every one of these will get fixed. If you notice any issues then please drop a comment and I will correct it asap, thank you!
In any case, I’m much happier with WordPress as my content management system and am looking forward to working more with it in the future – to the point that I might even post a bit more frequently than I have been lately! Thank you for your patience and I look forward to producing more writing for you all to enjoy soon.